Saturday 5 March 2011

Cloud Computing

                  CLOUD COMPUTING

Cloud computing is a technique in which software’s, resources and data are shared virtually provided by servers on computers. In today world it has great value; we can do everything without changing our locations.  
Cloud computing can be public as well as private. In public, resources are available to everyone whereas in private, resources are available only in private network.
Cloud computing can be of different types in which we can download or use any software such as spreadsheet tools etc. online. We can also develop new applications using APIs deployed and configurable remotely such as Force and Google APP engine etc. It also provides virtual machines, abstracted hardware and operating systems which may be contracted by service API such as Amazon EC2 and S3, Windows Live Skydive etc.


  1. Confidentiality- Data provided by the customers is not stay confidential on cloud because no one knows where the data is stored when one is not using it.
  2.  Integrity- Data is not protected as whole because it is not centralized.
  3. Availability- If any error occurs the availability chances of data decreases
  Some systems are malicious which provides unauthorized access to the resources, so hackers can attack the system easily.


  1.   Customers bind to one provider for data and services which may lead to business failure should bankrupt the service provider. It increases the likelihood of sudden changes in provider policy and non-binding agreements such as terms of use.
  2. There is the risk of availability of the cloud services because if hacker hacks the services it can force the provider to stop their services due to huge loss.
  3.    There is a risk of data security as data is processed by the cloud customers but it is carried out by the cloud provided which causes security breaches.

1. The reputation of the company affects due to risks which has an huge impact on the cloud systems.
2.  Personal data is not safe to store in the cloud systems due to vulnerabilities and risks in the system.
3. Service delivery will be affected due to restrictions occurred during the data flow from one cloud system to another.

Wednesday 2 March 2011

Linux Commands

These are the main Linux Commands which are used:

  1. “/” – this is the root directory and it is the top of the file system and all other directories are mounted under in it.
  2. “/root” – this is the default home directory of administration i.e.; root
  3. “/home” – it contain all users home directories
  4. “/boot” - this directory contain the kernel i.e.; core of the operating system.
  5. “/sbin” - it contain administration commands used by super user
  6. “/bin” – this directory contain command used by super user and normal user
  7. “/usr” - it contain programs and application which are available for users
  8. “/var” - it contain variable information such as logs and print queues
  9. “/dev” - this directory contain device node through which the operating system can access hardware and software device on system
  10. “/etc”- it contain all configuration files
  11. “/proc” – this directory is a mount point for virtual information about currently running system process
  12. “/tmp” – this directory contain temporary files used by the system
  13. “/opt” –it contain the third party of removable media such as cd-rom, floppy disk and pen drive
  14. “/lib” – it contain libraries files and no. of different application.